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Image by Mohammad Rahmani

Projects Involvements

Coming soon - Explore the Implementation of Generative AI for Sustainability Projects


Dataland, an emerging marketplace where stakeholders can exchange sustainability data while reducing the cost and improving the quality of data



Serverless FinOps Reporting 

Led a project as a Product Owner and Developer in Scrum Agile, setting
up a serverless environment for cost data storage and analysis,
implementing Lambda functions, API gateway, and automated reporting.

                                  Project Architecture 


Data Aggregation and Analysis on Research Advancements in Big Data

web scraped, Google Scholar, Google Trends, ArXiv, and cleaned,analyzed the data and presented the result in Tableau Dashboard to identify patterns in citation of journals and the reason for such diverse shifts

Big Data Project.png

Tensorflow Projects

Housing Price Prediction, Cat Vs Dog Classifier with Transfer Learning, Classifier for Handwritten Digits on MNIST Datasets, Fashion MNIST, Horse Vs Human with Image Augmentation, Sarcasm Detection in Text: Coursera courses 


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